Estill County Schools
Covid Guideline Update
School Year 2022-2023
August 15th, 2022
Estill County Schools continue to navigate the Covid-19 pandemic under the direction of the CDC, KDPH and our local health department. The following is a quick guide to how isolation and quarantine guidelines have changed for the upcoming school year. Please remember this will continue to be a fluid situation and will be monitored closely; updates will be provided if they occur.
If a student tests positive for COVID-19 they will need to be isolated for 10 days from the day symptoms began or test date; whichever happens first. **If symptoms resolve, the student may return to school after 5 days, but they MUST wear a well fitting mask for days 6-10. Students must report to their school nurse upon arrival if choosing to return early from their isolation period.
If a student has been in close contact with someone positive for COVID-19, you DO NOT need to quarantine if you do not have symptoms. Your student will need to wear a well-fitting mask for 10 days from their last exposure while attending school.
**If symptoms develop, student will need to stay home and test with either a home test
or lab test from their pediatrician, health department or pharmacy.**
**It is strongly recommended to test after 5 days after having close contact with
someone diagnosed with COVID-19, even if symptoms don’t appear.”
COVID-19 positive home test results will be allowable once per semester. Home test kits can be provided to students from their school nurse; parents/guardians will need to pick up from their student’s school.
The best protection against COVID-19 is to stay up to date with recommended vaccines; visit KYCOVID19.KY.GOV for more information.
Please feel free to contact our school nurses with any questions or concerns.